Thursday, November 29, 2007

Tag. You're It.

My friend Sharon has tagged me. Here are the rules, which I edited for redundancy.

**People who get tagged write a blog containing 7 random facts/habits about themselves. At the end of your blog, you need to tag 7 people to do the same.**


1. Being tagged, reminds me of the last memorable experience I had playing tag. I lived in Lake Village, AR from the ages of 5 to around 12. When I was finally moving away fo reals (there were some false alarms), my Aunt Vivian let me have a going away party at her dock house on the lake. The dock house was a real staple of my childhood, where most of my memories are situated. This party was boys allowed. (omg) The gender mixing wasn't too big of a deal for us. I often slept over at my best friend/boyfriend's house and we all generally just ran about barefoot and fancy free. However, that night it made for much shenanigans. We slept in the trailer, swam in the dark lake, and played on the dock. We also partook in games of truth or dare and Kiss Tag, a self-explanatory game of tag where you had to kiss the person that tagged you. Too bad this game isn't like that. My whole list of people to tag would have nothing to do with me wanting to hear what they had to say. Are there any games we play as adults that are so blatant in their intentions as truth or dare and kiss tag? Or are those sorts of games the adventures of deviants and swingers? Random parties where spin the bottle is vaguely enforced do not count.

2. If I could go back in time, I would like to be a suffragette. That is probably expected from me. I wave my feminist flag high. However, it is sincere. Human rights causes have always ignited me and I would have loved the opportunity to fight for an entire gender. I fight little battles now and then, but it would have been more empowering to wage that war. Plus, that would mean that David Bowie was singing about me. *swoon*

3. I have a secret tattoo. But is it really a secret if you have like 3 other ones and at least 7 people know about the secret one? After this blog, probably more like 10.

4. I suppose I should throw a habit or two in here. I habitually stop the microwave before the last second. It's like a game I play. I don't like to hear the bing. I let it count down to 1, then BAM! I pop that thing open.

5. Sometimes I think about some of the plays or musicals I have been in and cringe. I silently cringe to myself a lot when rehashing past embarrassments. However, I still have a secret desire to pursue some sort of a role in theatre. Seeing The Sparrow really brought that back in my head. I don't think that I am necessarily an actress, but I think that kind of creation would really satisfy a lot of different parts of me and is a logical step forward in some of the art that I have created before. This kind of potential makes me very excited to be young.

6. Unlike Sharon, quitting dance lessons was probably one of my best decisions. I do wish that karate would have worked out though. Douglas and I watch that Human Weapon show a lot on the History Channel. I like to think that I could have been a bad ass warrior. My trainer figured out that I like boxing, it tricks me into cardio. Stairmaster is just too obvious about it. Who really likes to climb imaginary stairs that go nowhere?

7. I hardly ever delete emails that are from real people. Gmail is so handy and searchable. But I also hate to have unread emails in my inbox. Last week though, I was very busy and I got behind. I had like over 60. (doesn't sound like much unless you consider that I keep my email up all day long and habitually check the screen. then add to that my work email) It kind of drove me nuts all day, all week. I still haven't gotten through them all. There are 9 left. And they've been pushed back a page or two in my inbox by now.

Was that random enough for you?

Now I have the power.

TAG: Katie (blog buddy omg), Philthy, .beth. (even though I know everything about you, you keep me wanting more), Lacy, Jacob, Val, Erin


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