Friday, September 14, 2007

Puttin' Fitty out of a job


I am loving this new Kanye album.

Courtney and Phil came to Chicago this week and they found an apartment on OUR street of all places! They are literally two blocks away from us. They're moving up the first week of October. I'm quite excited. When I cook dinner at nite, more people than me can eat it. Instead of heating it up for Douglas. And they're bringing Darwin up here, which I am quite excited about as this overly dog-friendly neighborhood has given me canine envy. Especially since I am so over cats at the moment. That is probably a phase though. Once I'm a little older, the spinster instinct will kick in I'm sure and I'll have like 4 cats named after Dada artists. The king cat will be Marcel and his favorite resting spot will be the toilet. ha.

It was great to have friends up this week, but I am exhausted. This has been the craziest week at work. So, instead of staying insanely late every nite, I worked till around 7pm every day then left to spend time with them (this gave time for a number of yummy meals--Ethiopian, Chicago pizza, lots of frozen yogurt). But then I woke up before 6:30 every morning and got to work around 7 am, meaning 12-13 hour work days anyway. It comes and goes though. I've left on time quite a bit relatively. Does make you wish you were getting paid hourly though. Salary is nice. So is health insurance. He-ey! I'm totally gonna get my teeth cleaned. Yummy.

I'm looking forward to my parents visit to Chicago (tentatively the second week of October). As well as the movie Across the Universe.

There are a couple of other individuals I'm looking forward to seeing as well. But that just seems to be a constant state of longing. Some kind of a soul division, solved only by geographic relativity. And occasionally a nice long Skype or an elaborate package. Those are only temporary solutions though. Right now, I'm in a constant state of un-balance. It kind of floats beneath. Unaffecting only in that it has completely affected me, leaving nothing the same. Ascribing some kind of a new standard of normalcy, completely unwelcome but self imposed. What ever's a girl to do.

1 comment:

katie j. said...

I seriously doubt you'll ever be a spinster, dear, but I do so hope that one day you have Marcel, king of the dada cats, who likes to sleep in the urinal.

You could, if you wanted to go in a different direction, name the cat "Readymade." Just a thought.

I love cats. And I'm marginally fond of dada, particularly on my bad days.